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Test Result : StringField insertText

0 failures (±0)
8 tests (±0)
Took 83 ms.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
StringField insertText appends text to the previous value (if no text is selected)9 msPassed
StringField insertText expects empty field at the beginning10 msPassed
StringField insertText inserts text into an empty field10 msPassed
StringField insertText replaces selection #1 (if part of the text is selected, selection does not start at the beginning)9 msPassed
StringField insertText replaces selection #2 (if part of the text is selected, start at the beginning)10 msPassed
StringField insertText replaces selection #3 (if whole content is selected)11 msPassed
StringField insertText sends display text changed to server using accept text12 msPassed
StringField insertText sends display text changed to server using accept text, twice, if updateDisplayTextOnModify=true12 msPassed